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#   HPLC from Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS)
#   PI: Frank Muller-Karger
#   Version: 2019-09-24
Cruise_ID1  Cruise_ID2  Cruise_number  leg  cast  Date      Analyzed_by                                           lon_n   lat_n  lon      lat     year  month  day  depth_bottom  Date_time_local      time_start_local  time_end_local  time_start_UTC  time_end_UTC  Date_time_UTC        
93HG_003    CAR-003     3              1    3     19960112  Bermuda biological Research Station (Cathy Rathburn)  -64.67  10.50  -64.671  10.489  1996  1      12   1380          1996-01-12T04:35:00  04:35             04:49           08:35           08:49         1996-01-12T08:35:00  
sample_number  depth  Tot_Chl_a  Tot_Chl_b  Tot_Chl_c  alpha_beta_Car  alpha_Car  beta_Car  But_fuco  Hex_fuco  Allo     Diadino  Diato    Fuco     Perid    Zea      MV_Chl_a  DV_Chl_a  Chlide_a  Chl_a_allom  Chl_a_prime  MV_Chl_b  DV_Chl_b  Chl_c1  Chl_c2  Chl_c1c2  Chl_c3   Lut      Neo  Viola  Phytin_a  Phide_a  Pras     Anth  Gyro  TChl  PPC  PSC  PSP  Tcar  Tacc  Tpg  DP  Tacc_TChla  PSC_Tcar  PPC_Tcar  TChl_Tcar  PPC_Tpg  PSP_Tpg  TChla_Tpg  mPF  nPF  pPF  Fluor_Chl_a  Fluor_Phaeo  Comments                                                                                                          
C003-1-3-1     1      1.145      0.087      nd         nd              0.011      0.016     0.002     0.034     0.004    0.032    -9999.0  0.694    0.08     0.008    nd        nd        nd        nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.211     0.073    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       0.011    nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   1.4          0.69         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-3     7      0.997      0.084      nd         nd              0.016      0.017     0.016     0.032     0.005    0.033    -9999.0  0.599    0.164    0.008    nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.201     0.066    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       0.009    nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   1.37         0.66         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-5     15     0.838      0.078      nd         nd              0.022      0.016     0.012     0.036     0.005    0.037    -9999.0  0.765    0.15     0.01     nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.248     0.065    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       0.007    nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   1.33         0.64         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-7     25     1.699      0.101      nd         nd              0.007      0.021     0.01      0.035     0.005    0.041    -9999.0  0.872    0.096    0.009    nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.203     0.073    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       0.009    nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   1.74         0.81         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-9     35     0.392      0.063      nd         nd              0.01       0.01      0.014     0.026     0.003    0.013    -9999.0  0.161    0.035    0.006    nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.035     0.012    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       0.003    nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   0.5          0.46         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-10    55     0.111      0.066      nd         nd              0.007      0.002     0.007     0.02      -9999.0  0.002    -9999.0  0.03     0.002    0.004    nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.006     0.004    -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       -9999.0  nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   0.1          0.16         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-11    75     0.043      0.014      nd         nd              0.002      -9999.0   0.002     0.007     -9999.0  0.001    -9999.0  0.013    0.001    0.001    nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      0.002     -9999.0  -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       -9999.0  nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   0.05         0.06         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).  
C003-1-3-12    100    0.015      0.006      nd         nd              -9999.0    -9999.0   -9999.0   0.003     -9999.0  -9999.0  -9999.0  0.007    -9999.0  -9999.0  nd        nd        -9999.0   nd           nd           nd        nd        nd      nd      -9999.0   -9999.0  -9999.0  nd   nd     nd        nd       -9999.0  nd    nd    nd    nd   nd   nd   nd    nd    nd   nd  nd          nd        nd        nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd   nd   0.04         0.06         The samples thawed in transport and threrefore the data may not be reliable (although it does not look too bad).